Submission instructions

Submission for review:

All submissions should be prepared in publisher neutral format, according to the following guidelines:

  • Text font size: 12pt
  • Abstract/references font size: 10pt
  • Page margins: left / right /top/bottom = 1 inch;
  • Paper length: 9 pages maximum for long papers (research/idea/experience reports) and 5 pages maximum for short papers (position papers)

Submissions deadlines:

25 May  17.00 GMT
Please, consider submitting an abstract before 5th of May 2013

Submission site:

Abstracts and papers for review should be submitted to the following site:
When submitting indicate the category of your paper (Position, Idea, Experience, Research)

Camera ready submission:

Camera ready submissions will be in the format established by the publisher – Springer proceedings format. More exact instructions on the camera ready format will be coming later.